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Regulatory Changes

European Oilfield Speciality Chemicals Association

Endocrine Disruptors Oct 2023 – In the UK currently, all residual EDC’s need to be measured and stated to CEFAS, chemicals with EDC’s may incur a Product Warning and potentially a “Do Not Discharge” order.
Ethanol Jan 2022 – Changed from PLONOR to no longer PLONOR, data are now required for the component.  EOSCA holds a dataset for the substance which is available to members.  Ethanol is still substitution free.
Microplastics Oct 2021 – Information requirements for plastics, microplastics and nanomaterials contained in offshore chemicals required in HOCNF, Nov 2023 UK & NL will show new flag on templates for plastics, microplastics and nanomaterials.
Molecular Weight Sept 2021 – Previously, an average MolWt >700 could be used to justify that a substance was not likely to bioaccumulate.  However, now a MolWt average >700 with no more than 10% being <700 needs to be demonstrated (to justify that bioaccumulation is unlikely to occur) using GPC or other equivalent analytical data to present a molecular weight distribution.
Sodium Tetraborate Jul 2021 – In Norway there has been a change in Norwegian category from Red –> Black.  Acceptable levels have changed from 7.5% –> 0.3% (the change to the substance no longer being PLONOR occurred several years ago).
Substances in Organic Solvents Nov 2019 – There was a concern that were a substances was tested with organic solvent present that the biodegradation calculated for the test could be to a greater or lesser extent due to degradation of the solvent.  Therefore biodegradation data which was obtained through testing a ‘blend’ (of solute in an organic solvent) now needs to be tested again with the solvent tested separately and a calculation done to get the active biodegradation result (see HOCNF Guidelines), or there is the option to not retest and accept a biodegradation figure of 0%.  All data being generated for new substances in organic solvents should consider the solvent blank testing that is now required.