EOSCA Software
EOSCA continues to support and develops software and modelling solutions for the oilfield chemical industry where these are most required.
The CHARM model was developed jointly between EOSCA, operators and the regulators, and was reviewed as part of a project EOSCA proposed to OSPAR OIC in 2017. As a result the CHARM Implementation Network (CIN) convened for a number of meetings in 2017 & 2018 to complete a work programme for the development of the model.
Discussion are also ongoing with ECHA in regard to the discrepancies between the Assessment Factors used in the effect assessment under the EU REACH Regulation, and those used in the OSPAR CHARM assessment.
The EOSCA CHARM Calculator Online Software (ECCOS) has been revised and updated as part of a year long development project. The new tool is far more device independent and offers an improved user interface, with all users being able to access the database through a web browser. Data from the previous version of the software can be migrated, and the new system offers in enhanced reporting facilities, including the ability to output a draft HOCNF for products that you have stored in the system. For more information about this product, please see the ECCOS item in the EOSCA store.
You can also have a ECCOS Free Trial to see what you can do with the new software here.

NeCCS - discontinued
NeCCS is the old version of the CHARM Calculator software which has now been discontinued. It allowed the calculation of Hazard Quotients (HQ) and Risk Quotients (RQ) for substances and preparations used and discharged offshore, according to the algorithms contained within the Chemical Hazard Assessment and Risk Management (CHARM) Model.
This software has now been superseded by the ECCOS tool which you can find out more about above.

- EGEST allows a first pass screening assessment (Tier 0 & Tier 1) of inhalation and dermal exposure together with environmental discharge assessment for substances with a view to help fulfilling the requirements of the REACH legislation.
Why are Exposure Scenarios required?
The EU Legislation for the Registration Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, REACH, is the main tool for regulating chemicals manufactured or imported in the EU.
For a given chemical from a given manufacturer/importer the REACH requirements depend upon:
- Annual tonnage
- Classification (ie: hazard data, whether a SVHC, classified as dangerous, etc)
- Use – exemptions, derogations, requirements for intermediates, monomers, polymers, etc
As part of the Registration process it is necessary to compile a database of information in IUCLID and to carry out a Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) and write a chemical safety report (CSR) for certain substance categories.
Risk assessments are required covering the life cycle of the substance.
The main elements of a risk assessment are a hazard assessment, an exposure assessment and a risk characterisation.
Various tools are involved in making an exposure assessment. It is normally necessary to communicate with downstream users to obtain the necessary information.
Mapping known uses to REACH Use Descriptors (SU, PC, PROC & AC codes) and Environmental Release Categories (ERC codes).
The EGEST report should help to map known offshore uses to use descriptors and environmental release codes. Relevant codes are included in the tool.
The EGEST Excel based tool should also help to perform generic risk assessments for the offshore use of oilfield chemicals. It does not cover earlier phases in the life cycle such as manufacture and formulation which should be covered elsewhere.